Laura Peralta-Schulte, Senior Director of Public Policy & Government Relations

June 20, 2024

Prepare for the First Presidential Debate with NETWORK’s Debate Issues Checklist

Catholic voters and all people of good faith can track the Presidential Debate with NETWORK's Debate Issues Checklist for voters of good will and social justice

Download the Debate Issues Checklist!

The first presidential debate will take place on Thursday, June 27, at 9:00 PM Eastern on CNN. We know the 2024 election will be one of the most important elections in modern history. And we believe that, as a nation, we are called to find a path that leads to justice and flourishing for all.

We hope that you track the candidate’s comments with NETWORK’s Presidential Debate Issues Checklist to evaluate what you have learned about each candidate’s commitment to justice and flourishing.

Please share this nonpartisan ‘Debate Issues Checklist’ with friends, family, and others in your community!

Catholics and people of good faith believe freedom is essential for communities to thrive. People of every race, background, and experience will flourish if they have the freedoms needed to care for themselves and their family, to be healthy, to be free from harm, and to participate in a vibrant democracy. These freedoms are at the core of the Equally Sacred Checklist, the central resource of Vote Our Future, NETWORK’s nonpartisan voter education campaign.

Vote Our Future Webinar When We All Do Our Part: The Work Ahead to Vote and Build Our Future
There’s much for all of us to do to build a future where all of us thrive. Please be sure to register for our July webinar, “When We All Do Our Part: The Work Ahead to Vote—and Build—Our Future.”, (a nonpartisan event) Thursday, July 11, at 7:00 PM Eastern/4:00 PM Pacific to learn more about the work ahead.

Together, we can work, and vote, for a future where everyone thrives. No exceptions!

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About virginia

As Senior Grassroots Mobilization Organizer, Catherine Gillette works to strengthen NETWORK’s field across the country—building Advocates Teams, mobilizing supporters, coordinating campaigns, conducting trainings, and forming new partnerships. She works primarily with NETWORK’s teams and advocates from CA, TX, OH, MI, NY, and VA. Most recently, she has provided leadership to NETWORK’s campaigns related to democracy, immigration, and reparations. Prior to coming to NETWORK, Catherine worked to organize immigrants and faith communities in Texas around worker justice issues. She later served as the Site Coordinator of the Boston Food Justice Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) Program—helping both program volunteers and local churches learn about and engage food justice issues. Catherine loves her job with NETWORK because it provides her with opportunities to engage with people of faith around justice issues—helping them to respond as strategically as possible and advance policies that make a positive difference in people’s lives. Catherine lives in upstate New York with her dog Cooper. When she’s not working, you can usually find her chopping firewood!

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