NETWORK Lobby Endowment Fund Celebrates 50 years of Justice

NETWORK Lobby Endowment Fund Celebrates 50 years of Justice-Lines

We have come a long way since the founding meeting when 47 Sisters from various religious congregations passed a bag for donations and collected an initial sum of $147. Using these funds and the support of other women religious in the United States, two Sisters started to work out of their home near Washington, D.C.’s Catholic University.


This modest beginning has truly become the “loaves and fish” that Jesus multiplied in the Gospel story. Since those early days, we have grown in many ways. Our members now number almost 100,000 from all 50 states, across a range of ages, racial and ethnic identities, and religious and secular backgrounds. A dedicated staff of 27 educates, organizes, and lobbies full time. Actively growing, we are “rooted in Catholic Social Teaching and open to all who share our passion.”

With a broader membership and increased local engagement, NETWORK advocates are more active than ever both on Capitol Hill and in-district. Members of Congress and policymakers recognize NETWORK for our values-based advocacy, and the D.C. advocacy community respects NETWORK for our leadership and results. With a growing, talented, and diverse staff, NETWORK is implementing a long-term national organizing strategy to mobilize and harness the energy of grassroots advocates in key states and districts. Our communications and educational strategies have become increasingly sophisticated and effective at reaching a wide audience, producing outsized results.

Why the Endowment Fund Campaign?

The work of seeking justice is a long path. While we celebrate NETWORK’s 50th Anniversary, we also seek to ensure its continuation for the next 50 years of advocacy for the common good. To that end, the Board and Staff of NETWORK will celebrate our anniversary by raising $5 million to build our Endowment Fund. This fund will anchor the future work of NETWORK, ensure the continued work for the common good, and allow us to grow our capabilities in the exciting years to come.

In the first 50 years of NETWORK’s existence, donors and members have enabled NETWORK to fulfill our mission. The Endowment Fund will sustain and support the organization in the future by producing a source of income from its investment earnings that will:

  • Support outreach to new members across the generations
  • Extend reach among grassroots advocates and partners in widening geographies, rural and urban
  • Cultivate young and emerging activists
  • Underwrite innovative components of the work plan that respond to the moment
  • Recruit and retain a talented and diverse staff during periods of financial uncertainty
What We Ask of You

In the spirit of our foundresses, we once again “pass the bag” here among this committed, courageous community of spirit-filled justice seekers. We invite you to celebrate NETWORK’s 50th Anniversary with us by contributing to the NETWORK Endowment Fund, to realize NETWORK’s vision of justice in our country.

The Preamble of the Constitution identifies securing “the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity” as one of the main purposes of our nation. Similarly, the Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World recognizes “an improvement in attitudes and abundant changes in society will have to take place” to ensure that every person may access their human rights and live in dignity.

Through your gift to NETWORK’s 50th Anniversary Endowment Fund, you will be helping to fulfill our shared duty to future generations to ensure that justice will flourish for us all.