Category Archives: Front Page

Get Ready With NETWORK’s Presidential Debate Issues Checklist

Laura Peralta-Schulte, Senior Director of Public Policy & Government Relations

June 20, 2024

Prepare for the First Presidential Debate with NETWORK’s Debate Issues Checklist

Catholic voters and all people of good faith can track the Presidential Debate with NETWORK's Debate Issues Checklist for voters of good will and social justice

Download the Debate Issues Checklist!

The first presidential debate will take place on Thursday, June 27, at 9:00 PM Eastern on CNN. We know the 2024 election will be one of the most important elections in modern history. And we believe that, as a nation, we are called to find a path that leads to justice and flourishing for all.

We hope that you track the candidate’s comments with NETWORK’s Presidential Debate Issues Checklist to evaluate what you have learned about each candidate’s commitment to justice and flourishing.

Please share this nonpartisan ‘Debate Issues Checklist’ with friends, family, and others in your community!

Catholics and people of good faith believe freedom is essential for communities to thrive. People of every race, background, and experience will flourish if they have the freedoms needed to care for themselves and their family, to be healthy, to be free from harm, and to participate in a vibrant democracy. These freedoms are at the core of the Equally Sacred Checklist, the central resource of Vote Our Future, NETWORK’s nonpartisan voter education campaign.

Vote Our Future Webinar When We All Do Our Part: The Work Ahead to Vote and Build Our Future
There’s much for all of us to do to build a future where all of us thrive. Please be sure to register for our July webinar, “When We All Do Our Part: The Work Ahead to Vote—and Build—Our Future.”, (a nonpartisan event) Thursday, July 11, at 7:00 PM Eastern/4:00 PM Pacific to learn more about the work ahead.

Together, we can work, and vote, for a future where everyone thrives. No exceptions!

Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist

Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist

Download and share the multi-issue voter Equally Sacred Checklist in English, large print English, and Spanish

Multi-issue Voters Vote Our Future, so Everyone Thrives. No Exceptions!

How can we know we are voting for candidates who promote the common good?  Pope Francis makes it clear: Catholics and all people of good will are called to be multi-issue voters, not single-issue voters, in the 2024 elections and in our continued participation in public life. This resource can support you in educating yourself as a faithful voter on the issues and concerns that are “equally sacred.” 

 “We cannot uphold an ideal of holiness that would ignore injustice in the world.” —Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, par. 101 

Equally Sacred Checklist image
Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist in English
Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist in Lg. Print English
Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist in Lg. Print English

Los votantes de múltiples temas votan por nuestro futuro, para que todos prosperen. ¡Sin excepciones!

¿Cómo podemos saber que estamos votando por candidatos que promueven el bien común? El Papa Francisco lo deja claro: los católicos y todas las personas de buena voluntad están llamados a ser votantes de múltiples temas, no votantes de un solo tema, en las elecciones de 2024 y en nuestra participación continua en la vida pública. Este recurso puede ayudarlo a educarse como un votante fiel sobre temas e inquietudes que son “igualmente sagrados”.

“No podemos defender un ideal de santidad que ignore la injusticia en el mundo”. —Papa Francisco, Gaudete et exsultate, párr. 101

Equally Sacred Checklist in Spanish - late May edit
Lista de verificación para votantes de múltiples temas igualmente sagrados en Español
Election Year Training 2024 -- general -- with logo for faith-filled voters

Election 2024 Training Resources for Faithful Voters

2024 Election Year Training Series for faith-filled voters

Informed, Engaged, and Committed

This election, faith-filled voters have the opportunity to choose community over chaos. Join NETWORK Advocates from across the country for a four-part series to dig deeper into what it means to be a multi-issue Catholic voter, learn strategies to engage people in challenging conversations and build hope-filled narratives that inspire people to care about important issues, and explore concrete actions you can take to prepare yourself and your community to participate in the upcoming election.

You’ll notice that each workshop session has multiple time slots–you only need to sign up for one since the content will be repeated. You do not have to sign up for the same time slot each week. We hope that you can attend all four workshops in the series, but we will welcome your participation in any!

Week 1: Multi-issue Voting

Our social teachings and tradition provide us with a framework for living responsibly and building a just society. In an election year, this includes being a multi-issue voter. Join us to learn more deeply about what it means, as Catholics, to be multi-issue voters, and what that looks like this election year. Using NETWORK’s Equally Sacred Checklist as a guide, we will discern ways you can be an informed, engaged, and committed voter this year.  

Please sign up for one session

Tues., April 9 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Sat., April 13 at 11:00AM Eastern/8:00AM Pacific

Week 2: Breaking Through the Election Noise, Part One

Conversations are hard in a world as divided as ours, and yet they’re critical to advancing the world that we want to build together. Join us to discuss the barriers to transformation and develop the skills needed to break down those barriers and advance justice through transforming those in our own circles, during this election season and beyond.

Please sign up for one session

Tuesday, April 16 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Thursday, April 18 at Noon Eastern/9:00AM Pacific, OR
Saturday, April 20 at 11:00AM Eastern/8:00AM Pacific

Week 3: Breaking Through the Noise, Part 2

So-called commonsense narratives often define what people believe. The secret to believability is crafting a narrative that people can understand and repeat easily. Join us to learn the principles of Race Class Narrative and how it helps to build an effective narrative that invites people into the work of justice without watering down our goals.

Please sign up for one session

Tues., April 23 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Thurs., April 25 at NOON Eastern/9:00AM Pacific, OR
Sat., April 27 at 11:00AM Eastern/8:00AM Pacific

Week 4: Act to Impact

We all know that this year’s election is incredibly important; however, figuring out how to engage most effectively can be confusing and even overwhelming. This training will explore a variety of concrete ways you can prepare yourself and your community for the upcoming election. Participants will learn more about how to develop a voting plan, coordinate a voter registration drive, volunteer at the polls, and much more!

Please sign up for one session

Tues., April 30 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Thurs., May 2 at Noon Eastern/9:00AM Pacific, OR
Sat., May 4 at 11:00AM Eastern/8:00AM Pacific

We have more training dates in May!

See our May trainings!

On the Road with the Pope Francis Voter Tour

On the Road for Catholic Social Justice

Pope Francis Voter Tour Reached Voters In-person and Online

The Pope Francis Voter Tour talked to voters about the harm that single-issue voting represents to thriving communities. Voting for all justice issues moves us all closer to getting the resources we all need to live thriving lives, it protects our democracy, voting rights and freedoms.

The Pope Francis Voter Tour directly engaged with voters in Illinois, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, and Spirit-filled voters around the nation were able to watch select events online.

Final Tour Events

Philadelphia on Tuesday, October 25, 5:30 – 7 PM at LaSalle University
Scranton on Wednesday, October 26 7 – 8:30 PM at St. John’s Byzantine Church
Pittsburgh on Friday, October 28 1 – 1:30 PM at Casa San Jose (In-person &  Online)
Pittsburgh on Friday, October 28 5:30 – 7 PM at Carlow University
National Town Hall, November 3 12 Noon – 1 PM Online

special event

White Supremacy in American Christianity:
How it Harms Our Churches, Politics, and Communities

Voting is a tool for justice

From L-R, Sr. Elizabeth Walters, IHM; Sr. Barbara Beasley, IHM; Sr. Karen Donahue, RSM hold the Equally Sacred Checklist. The Sisters were speakers at the Detroit Town Hall.

Pope Francis makes it clear: there are multiple issues that matter at the ballot box, and no one issue is more sacred than another.

We create the future we want by voting

No matter where we live, how much money is in our wallet, or the color of our skin, most of us believe in caring for our families, treating one another with respect, and making things better for those to come.​

But certain politicians use dog whistles and stir our emotions on a single issue to divide us, discourage us from voting, and distract us from the ways they’re rigging our political system and the economy for themselves and the ultra-wealthy.

But we will not let them stop us from answering the call to love our neighbor and build thriving multi-faith, multiracial communities.

Coming together as Pope Francis Voters, we can vote for people who will deliver health care for our families, quality schools for our kids, and make the rich pay what they owe in taxes to our shared economy. Will you be a Pope Francis Voter? Sign the PFV Pledge NOW!

We cannot tolerate or turn a blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every human life.

- Pope Francis on June 3, 2020 -

Overheard on the Pope Francis Voter Tour

About NETWORK staff

The NETWORK staff is amazing!

NETWORK Gives Me Hope

When asked what gives you hope for the Miderms…”NETWORK!” was the answer.

Podcast Love

I love the podcast—keeping doing it

Keeping me Catholic

Women religious and NETWORK are why I stay a Catholic, thank you for this work

Impressed by PFVT Resources

Thank you for giving us real resources and tools to participate, organize and advocate.

Great Materials

YES, YES! Thank you for the Senate Side-by-Sides and Equally Sacred Checklist, how many can I take with me to pass out of my parish?

Strong messaging

Thank you for the clear and strong messaging. Can I take more copies of Connection?

Excellent educational tools

These materials are amazing; may I take more to hang up at school?

Images from the Pope Francis Voter Tour!


The PFV Tour kicked off in Springfield, Ill on October 8.


The PFV Tour landed in Michigan on October 13.


The PFV Tour stopped in Cleveland, Toledo, and Cincinnati October 18-20


WIN Cincinnati Site Visit

The Tour visited community organizations in Ohio providing resources and opportunity for people to have agency over their lives.

Toledo and Cleveland Site Visits

Be a Pope Francis Voter and Improve Our Economy, Reduce Racism, and Safeguard Freedoms

Election Workshops Teach You How to Be a Pope Francis Voter and Transform Politics!

Are you a multi-issue voter who is ready to be a Pope Francis Voter and build toward a multi-racial, inclusive democracy? Not sure what that means, but interested in how you can connect your faith, Catholic Social Justice, and voting? Then Transform Our Politics! Becoming a Pope Francis Voter,” a virtual three-part election workshop series, is for you!

Each week, you will explore one of NETWORK’s Cornerstones to Build Our Country Anew: Dismantling Systemic Racism, Cultivating Inclusive Community, and Rooting Our Economy in Solidarity. The vision and skills you’ll acquire will help you during this election season and beyond. Download the Build Anew Agenda.

Your vote is your voice! Prepare with NETWORK staff to be a Pope Francis Voter and transform our politics! We hope to see you at each 90-minute workshop. Session will be recorded.

Workshop I: Dismantle Systemic Racism

Learn how single-issue voting can be a cover for racism, nationalism, and extremism. Key policies that have begun to dismantle systemic racism in the U.S will be highlighted, and we’ll explore more that needs to happen.

Message training will help you take what you’ve learned into conversation with friends and family. Election season can complicate relationships, and so can talk of dismantling racism. NETWORK staff will model how you can use effective messaging to engage in transformative conversations.


Workshop II: Cultivate Inclusive Community

Explore your understanding of ‘inclusive community’ and break open the Catholic case for democracy. Some assert that inclusive communities create division and foster animosity toward people outside of the group.

NETWORK staff will show how inclusive communities are not exclusionary and are the polar opposite of White Christian Nationalism. We will envision how we can be part of creating a multi-racial, inclusive democracy this election season.


Workshop III: Root Our Economy in Solidarity

Learn about policies that address the racial wealth and income gap so that everyone has the economic stability needed to thrive. NETWORK staff will help you practice promoting these policies with the people in your life.

Engage in a discussion on the power and benefits of cross-cultural relationships and understanding to build racial solidarity. This must happen to bring NETWORK’s Build Anew Agenda into existence so we can build an economy of inclusion that values people and planet over profit. Participants will also learn how storytelling plays a role in transformative conversations.