Be a Pope Francis Voter and Improve Our Economy, Reduce Racism, and Safeguard Freedoms

Election Workshops Teach You How to Be a Pope Francis Voter and Transform Politics!

Are you a multi-issue voter who is ready to be a Pope Francis Voter and build toward a multi-racial, inclusive democracy? Not sure what that means, but interested in how you can connect your faith, Catholic Social Justice, and voting? Then Transform Our Politics! Becoming a Pope Francis Voter,” a virtual three-part election workshop series, is for you!

Each week, you will explore one of NETWORK’s Cornerstones to Build Our Country Anew: Dismantling Systemic Racism, Cultivating Inclusive Community, and Rooting Our Economy in Solidarity. The vision and skills you’ll acquire will help you during this election season and beyond. Download the Build Anew Agenda.

Your vote is your voice! Prepare with NETWORK staff to be a Pope Francis Voter and transform our politics! We hope to see you at each 90-minute workshop. Session will be recorded.

Workshop I: Dismantle Systemic Racism

Learn how single-issue voting can be a cover for racism, nationalism, and extremism. Key policies that have begun to dismantle systemic racism in the U.S will be highlighted, and we’ll explore more that needs to happen.

Message training will help you take what you’ve learned into conversation with friends and family. Election season can complicate relationships, and so can talk of dismantling racism. NETWORK staff will model how you can use effective messaging to engage in transformative conversations.


Workshop II: Cultivate Inclusive Community

Explore your understanding of ‘inclusive community’ and break open the Catholic case for democracy. Some assert that inclusive communities create division and foster animosity toward people outside of the group.

NETWORK staff will show how inclusive communities are not exclusionary and are the polar opposite of White Christian Nationalism. We will envision how we can be part of creating a multi-racial, inclusive democracy this election season.


Workshop III: Root Our Economy in Solidarity

Learn about policies that address the racial wealth and income gap so that everyone has the economic stability needed to thrive. NETWORK staff will help you practice promoting these policies with the people in your life.

Engage in a discussion on the power and benefits of cross-cultural relationships and understanding to build racial solidarity. This must happen to bring NETWORK’s Build Anew Agenda into existence so we can build an economy of inclusion that values people and planet over profit. Participants will also learn how storytelling plays a role in transformative conversations.


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About elissa

As the Digital Coordinator, Elissa is involved in email communications, website management, advocacy platforms and digital communications strategy. She brings political campaign, digital marketing and community organizing experience to NETWORK’s Communications team. She has been a lay leader in Catholic churches in California, Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. Some ministry work she’s enjoyed includes: accompanying high school students on summer mission trips, co-chairing silent auction fundraisers and advocating for social justice with her current parish, St. Augustine Catholic Church in Washington, DC. Where do you find inspiration for your work? • My late grandmother who migrated from Florida in the 1950s for a better life in New England • Scripture • Nature What do you love outside of work? • Watch and play sports, especially tennis, soccer, and baseball • Spend time with my husband, three children and my dog • I watch Jeopardy every night with my husband “Why do you like D.C.?” • Great restaurants, rich Black history and beautiful churches. Originally from: Groton, CT

3 thoughts on “

  1. Rita Heywood

    Thank you, all, for taking on this enormous task. Our challenges to discern current signs of the times in terms of the gospel-centered mission of the Church, rooted in discipleship with Jesus Christ, are alive and real. I look forward to sharing the invitations with our SNDdeN USA sisters.

  2. Mary McKenna

    Is there any way I can hear a recording of the first presentation on Racism? I was traveling in Thursday, and couldn’t access internet.
    Mary McKenna

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