Election Year Training 2024 -- general -- with logo for faith-filled voters

Election 2024 Training Resources for Faithful Voters

Vote Our Future is the name of NETWORK's 2024 Election Campaign

Informed, Engaged, and Committed

2024 Election Season Workshops for Faith-filled Voters

This election season, faith-filled advocates are learning the importance of multi-issue voting. Join NETWORK’s Grassroots Mobilization Team for a four-part series to learn how to be a multi-issue voter, engage people in challenging conversations, build hope-filled narratives that inspire people to care about important issues, and explore concrete actions you can take to prepare yourself and your community to participate in the upcoming election.

Each workshop session has multiple time slots, but you only need to sign up for one since the content will be repeated. You do not have to sign up for the same time slot each week. We hope that you can attend all four workshops in the series, but we will welcome your participation in any!

Week 1

Week 1: Multi-issue Voting

Our social teachings and tradition provide us with a framework for living responsibly and building a just society. In an election year, this includes being a multi-issue voter. Join us to learn more deeply about what it means, as people of faith, to be multi-issue voters, and what that looks like this election year. Using NETWORK’s Equally Sacred Checklist as a guide, we will discern ways you can be an informed, engaged, and committed voter this year.  

Please sign up for one session

Tues., May 7 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Thurs., May 9 at 12:00PM Eastern/9:00AM Pacific

Week 2

Week 2: Breaking Through the Election Noise, Part I

Conversations are hard in a world as divided as ours, and yet they’re critical to advancing the world that we want to build together. Join us to discuss the barriers to transformation and develop the skills needed to break down those barriers and advance justice through transforming those in our own circles, during this election season and beyond.

Please sign up for one session

Tues., May 14 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Thurs., May 16 at Noon Eastern/9:00AM Pacific

Week 3

Week 3: Breaking Through the Election Noise, Part II

So-called commonsense narratives often define what people believe. The secret to believability is crafting a narrative that people can understand and repeat easily. Join us to learn the principles of Race Class Narrative and how it helps to build an effective narrative that invites people into the work of justice without watering down our goals.

Please sign up for one session

Tues., May 21 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Thur., May 23 at Noon Eastern/9:00AM Pacific

Week 4

Week 4: Act to Impact

We all know that this year’s election is incredibly important; however, figuring out how to engage most effectively can be confusing and even overwhelming. This training will explore a variety of concrete ways you can prepare yourself and your community for the upcoming election. Participants will learn more about how to develop a voting plan, coordinate a voter registration drive, volunteer at the polls, and much more!

Please sign up for one session

Tues.,May 28 at 7:00PM Eastern/4:00PM Pacific, OR
Thurs., May 30 at Noon Eastern/9:00AM Pacific

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About elissa

As the Digital Coordinator, Elissa is involved in email communications, website management, advocacy platforms and digital communications strategy. She brings political campaign, digital marketing and community organizing experience to NETWORK’s Communications team. She has been a lay leader in Catholic churches in California, Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. Some ministry work she’s enjoyed includes: accompanying high school students on summer mission trips, co-chairing silent auction fundraisers and advocating for social justice with her current parish, St. Augustine Catholic Church in Washington, DC. Where do you find inspiration for your work? • My late grandmother who migrated from Florida in the 1950s for a better life in New England • Scripture • Nature What do you love outside of work? • Watch and play sports, especially tennis, soccer, and baseball • Spend time with my husband, three children and my dog • I watch Jeopardy every night with my husband “Why do you like D.C.?” • Great restaurants, rich Black history and beautiful churches. Originally from: Groton, CT