Just Advocacy Week (JAW) is a week of economic justice advocacy training led by NETWORK Advocates and Cabrini College. The week includes skills training for advocacy on Capitol Hill and grassroots organizing, and introductory workshops exploring issues of economic inequality. Students will explore policy solutions through the lens of Catholic Social Justice and bring their ideas to members of Congress in their D.C. offices. By building a solid understanding of just advocacy, this week aims to empower a generation of faith-based leaders.

What will I learn during Just Advocacy Week?

You will learn skills, including how to:IMG_2046

  • Lobby your elected officials
  • Use storytelling for social change
  • Advocate for issues you care about
  • Improve leadership skills
  • Organize for change within your own community

You will explore issues, including:

  • Wealth inequality in the U.S., historically and today
  • Connections between Catholic Social Justice and politics
  • Taxes and their role in creating or reducing income inequality

When is Just Advocacy Week?

Just Advocacy Week 2016 will take place from June 9-16, 2016.

What is NETWORK Advocates?

NETWORK Advocates is partners with NETWORK Lobby. Based in Washington, D.C., NETWORK was founded by a group of passionate nuns in the 1970s who sought to bring social and economic justice issues to the forefront of national politics. NETWORK currently educates and organizes Catholics and other justice-seekers on these issues, and continues to lobby members of Congress. NETWORK is led by Sister Simone Campbell who led the “Nuns on the Bus” tours starting in 2012.

What does “lobbying my elected representative” mean?

JAW participants will have the opportunity to exercise their rights as constituents to make their voices heard to their members of Congress. JAW participants will receive extensive training on how to lobby with NETWORK’s certified lobbyists, as well as thorough information on the issue that you will be lobbying about. Previous JAW participants have said that lobbying is the most exciting and empowering part of the week.

Will NETWORK really pay for travel to and from D.C.?


Do I have to be Catholic to participate?

No,  Just Advocacy Week is open to all who share our values. The program is designed for students passionate about social and economic justice issues from a faith perspective. Students will have the opportunity to discuss Catholic Social Justice and how it relates to progressive advocacy.

Can I receive college credit by participating?

Cabrini College offers transferable academic credit to students who are interested. Earning credit requires that you pay some tuition fees and complete other coursework related to the five-day DC experience. To learn more about this opportunity contact Sarah Spengeman via email.

How much will it cost?

Just Advocacy Week costs $50. This price includes the training sessions as well as housing, food, and transportation. This includes transportation from your current location to D.C.

Do not let cost prevent you from applying. Please contact NETWORK if you will need financial assistance.

What is a Post-JAW Project?

Participants in Just Advocacy Week will create a post-JAW project to bring what they learned in D.C. back to their home campuses and communities. With help and mentorship, JAW participants design and implement a project to advance a social justice issue within their own community. They will share their projects during a webinar in January 2017.

Prior to attending JAW, participants should identify an on-campus mentor who can help and advise them in implementing their post-JAW projects. Previous JAW participants have gone on to organize with campus workers to promote workers’ rights, developed diversity curriculum to be integrated in required core classes, and began sustainability and recycling programs in their communities.

What are the other logistics?

Meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) will be provided by NETWORK.

Lodging is covered by NETWORK. Students are housed together at a local university in suite style dorm rooms. All students are expected to stay at the provided lodging during the week.

NETWORK will reimburse students for their travel costs to and from D.C. Students will receive pre-loaded Metro Cards for transportation within D.C.