
Sister Emily TeKolste

Emily is a member of the Grassroots Mobilization team, engaging NETWORK leaders in Indiana, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, and Kentucky. Emily’s background as a volunteer activist and organizer is supplemented by work in environmental and justice education as well as living in the Indianapolis Catholic Worker community and working at a neighborhood food pantry and community center. Her passion for social justice brought her to the Sisters of Providence of St. Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, where she professed first vows in June 2019. She graduated from Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, where she encountered issues of social and environmental justice and became involved in working for greater justice through the Dorothy Day Center for Faith & Justice and an academic service learning semester in the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood.

Where she finds inspiration for work:

  • The community of people engaged in the work with me
  • The Gospels
  • The stories of game-changers of the past

What she loves outside of NETWORK:

  • Her sisters – the other Sisters of Providence and other sisters involved in Giving Voice (and her biological & extended family sisters, too)
  • Being outside in beautiful weather
  • Cooking

What she likes about DC:

  • All of the opportunities to explore, being surrounded by history and opportunities to learn (read: museums), and public transit.

Originally from Indianapolis, Indiana.

(202) 601-7865