Recommit to Racial Justice

We invite all NETWORK members and supporters to join us in recommitting to racial justice. We live in a society built on hundreds of years of oppressing People of Color in the United States. We are at a critical time for white people to do the work of racial justice, educating themselves and finding ways to act in solidarity with People of Color.

It is crucial that we confront our history and the ways racism continues today, including in our federal policies. While we created this resource particularly attuned to the work that white members of our Spirit-Filled Network must do to examine their white privilege and systemic racism, we hope that the faithful content and spiritual nourishment are valuable to the entire NETWORK community. For white readers, this resource will deepen your understanding of how race functions in our society and illuminate the extent of white supremacy in our political and economic structures.

The “Recommit to Racial Justice” guide can be used individually or with a group, and we encourage you to share your experience with us over social media or via email by emailing

Additional Resources from NETWORK Community Calls:

During our first call on Friday, March 15,  the following books were mentioned by participants and NETWORK staff as resources for learning more about race and racial justice. Thank you to all who joined our conversation!

During our second call on Friday, March 29, the book The Color of Law by Richard Rothstein was mentioned as an additional resource.