Freedom To Live In A Welcoming Country That Values Dignity And Human Rights

The Catholic Church affirms that we all have a right to migrate to seek a safe and good life for ourselves and our families, and that nations have a moral imperative to welcome immigrants.

Our Values

Whether we are young or old, we know that our immigration system must value the dignity of all people, and that everyone thrives in a welcoming community-both immigrant and native-born!


Immigrants are already our families and our communities.

  • Immigrants are an important part of our families and communities. A quarter of U.S. children have at least one immigrant parent!
  • Our economy relies on immigrants. In the last 15 years, immigrants have contributed $124 billion to our economy and were key to the rebound of the U.S. economy after COVID.
  • Yet, some politicians scapegoat immigrants and falsely tell us that we can't have enough jobs or resources in our communities for everyone. This xenophobia creates a culture of fear and scarcity that hurts us all.
  • Many immigrants, including people who have lived here for decades and know no other home, continue to face discrimination and legal barriers in accessing health care, education, legal protections, and more.

  • The current Administration's rules severely restrict the longstanding U.S. law that guarantees a right to seek asylum. People seeking safety are being stopped at the southern border and held in inhumane conditions, often torn from their families, and subjected to assault, rape, torture, and kidnapping.
  • Black, Latino, Asian, Indigenous, disabled, and LGBTQ+ immigrants are attacked, discriminated against, and deported at higher rates than other immigrants. Many are expelled and deported without due process.
  • For decades, some leaders in Congress and the White House have blocked much-needed and widely-supported immigration reform that upholds established asylum laws and includes a pathway to citizenship for immigrants who have built their lives in the U.S.
  • Some politicians use immigration as a wedge issue. They try to make us fear and blame immigrants for our country's problems, to divide and distract us while they pass policies to favor the wealthy.

Will you vote for candidates who…

Support the right to asylum and paths to citizenship, and prioritize integration?

Goal #1: Protect the right to asylum and expand pathways to citizenship


  • The Biden-Harris administration has expanded the scope of humanitarian parole to allow the legal entry of some immigrants from Haiti, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Afghanistan, and Ukraine, who have a financial sponsor and meet other criteria.
  • The Biden-Harris administration has granted or renewed Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for nearly 700,000 immigrants in the U.S. from 16 countries deemed unsafe because of violence or natural disasters.
  • In 2024, the Biden-Harris administration opened a pathway to citizenship for spouses of U.S. citizens, to allow around half a million people to do basic life things-from accessing health care to coaching their child's soccer team.
  • The Administration also extended the validity of work permits for over 800,000 immigrants whose permits are stuck in backlogs, so that they can work to support their families while going through immigration proceedings. 


  • Together, we will reject fear-mongering, and expand pathways to citizenship for our neighbors without current legal status-who often have lived in the U.S. for decades-so that all of us can finally live in security and safety.
  • Together, we will ensure that our leaders in Congress and the White House resist measures that undermine the fundamental right of families and individuals to seek asylum in the U.S. fairly and safely.
  • And, we will ensure our leaders protect continued residence in the U.S. and pathways to citizenship for:
    • People in the U.S. from countries in the TPS program, many of whom have lived in the U.S for years.
    • Young people in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
    • Immigrants who have received humanitarian parole.
Promote inclusive policies that support border communities rather than militarization?

Goal #2: Support welcoming communities


  • The Biden administration's 2024 budget for the Shelter and Services Program included funds to support welcoming communities and help cities and states meet the needs of newly arrived people and families.
  • The Biden administration issued needed regulations to:
    • Overturn Trump administration policies that punished eligible immigrants for receiving federal benefits for which they were legally entitled.
    • Provide protections for temporary migrant workers, especially farmworkers, and accountability measures for employers who violate their rights.
  • The Biden-Harris administration expanded access to health care to over 600,000 DACA recipients.


  • Together, we will ensure our elected officials invest in welcoming communities-at our borders and across our nation-to protect the dignity of immigrants and the communities that welcome them and provide resources to improve life for all of us, no matter where we were born.

The Catholic Church affirms that we all have a right to migrate to seek a safe and good life for ourselves and our families, and that nations have a moral imperative to welcome immigrants.