Connection Magazine

Connection is NETWORK's quarterly magazine, mailed to members.



Third Quarter 2024 - "Hey Y.A.L.L.: Meet the Young Advocates Leadership Lab"
Includes the map of NETWORK's Nuns on the Bus & Friends 2024 "Vote Our Future" Bus Tour

Second Quarter 2024 - "A Future For Everyone"
Includes the 2023 Annual Report and the 2024 Equally Sacred Checklist, in English and Spanish

First Quarter 2024 - "Ready for 2024: A Year of Consequential Choices"
Includes the 2023 Congressional Voting Record



Fourth Quarter 2023 - "The Work of Transformation"

Third Quarter 2023 - "This is Solidarity"

Second Quarter 2023 - "The Community We Seek"
Includes the 2022 Annual Report

First Quarter 2023 - "The Deep Need For Repair"
Includes the 2022 Congressional Voting Record.



Fourth Quarter 2022 - "The Question We Face: Does Democracy Survive?"

Third Quarter 2022 - "A Time to Build"

Second Quarter 2022 - "Celebrating Sister-Spirit: Our 50-Year Justice Journey"
*Special 50th Anniversary Edition; Includes the 2021 Annual Report."

First Quarter 2022 - "Every Vote Counts: For the Future of Democracy"
Includes the 2021 Congressional Voting Record.



Fourth Quarter 2017 - "Making Room for Everyone to Grow"

Third Quarter 2017 - "Practicing Mutual Care: Tax Policy and the Common Good"

Second Quarter 2017 - "Healing the Gap: Advocating for Justice in Healthcare Policy"

First Quarter 2017 - "Searching for Hope, Working for Justice."
Includes the 2016 Congressional Voting Record.



Fourth Quarter 2016 - "It's Time to Mend the Gaps: Covering New Ground in the Journey for Justice" telling the story of Nuns on the Bus 2016.

Third Quarter 2016 - "Federal Policies Caused the Gaps: Looking Back Helps Us Move Forward"

Second Quarter 2016 - "Living in the Income Gap: Impact on Women and People of Color" with a brand new redesign!

First Quarter 2016 - "Fighting Poverty in 2016."
Includes the 2015 Congressional Voting Record.



Fourth Quarter 2015 - "Weeks of Faith and Joy: Pope Francis and Nuns on the Bus." Also, learn how you can sign the pledge to Bridge the Divides and Transform Politics!

Third Quarter 2015 - "Interconnected: Families and Economic Justice," which includes articles about how families in the U.S. cope in the current economy and the importance of family-friendly government policies.

Second Quarter 2015 - "Awaiting the New Encyclical and Earth Justice," with valuable information as we prepare for Pope Francis's new encyclical on the environment.

First Quarter 2015 - "Challenges Ahead."
Includes NETWORK's 2014 Congressional Voting Record.



Fourth Quarter 2014 - "We the People, We the Voters," with the story of our latest Nuns on the Bus journey, this time for voting and democracy.

Third Quarter 2014 - "Imagining a world where all are safe," with firsthand accounts of Central American children arriving at our border and Catholic sisters and others trying to help them.

Second Quarter 2014 - "Toward an Economy of Inclusion" with article by Rep. Chris Van Hollen on the need for bipartisan action to alleviate poverty.

First Quarter 2014 - "Today we also have to say 'thou shalt not' to an economy of exclusion and inequality." -Pope Francis. Also contains 2013 voting record.



Fourth Quarter 2013 - "Men at the Economic Margins"

Third Quarter 2013 - "NETWORK Nuns on the Bus - Driving toward Immigration Justice" and "Spread the Word" - how you can speak out for comprehensive immigration reform

Second Quarter 2013 - "What Children Deserve," with articles by Marian Wright Edelman, founder and president of Children's Defense Fund, and student activists in Camden, NJ.

First Quarter 2013 - "Reaching for the New," with Voting Record for the112th Congress.



Fourth Quarter 2012 - "Election 2012 and the Needs of our Nation," with Election Chart.

Third Quarter 2012 - "Nuns on the Bus: Journey in Faith," a look at our remarkable Nuns on the Bus campaign. Includes sheet of three bookmarks.

Second Quarter 2012 - "Faithful to the Gospel Then and Now," a commemorative issue in celebration of NETWORK's 40th anniversary.

First Quarter 2012 - "Imagine Forward," a look at today's political realities, with voting record for the First Session of the 112th Congress.



Fourth Quarter 2011 - "Racism in 21st Century America," with fact sheets in color and b/w to copy and distribute.

Third Quarter 2011 - "Our Soaring - and Undemocratic - Wealth Gap," which includes Mind the Gap! campaign fact sheets in color and b/w to copy and distribute.

Second Quarter 2011 - "Working Together to Address Global Poverty," which includes inserts on action steps incolor and b/w to copy and distribute.

First Quarter 2011 - "2011: Mapping the Future," which includes 2010 congressional voting record



Fourth Quarter 2010 - "Jobs and Justice: On Work and Dignity"

Third Quarter 2010 - "TANF Tested: Lives of Families in Poverty during the Recession"

Second Quarter 2010 - "Faith Communities Stand with Immigrants"

First Quarter 2010 - "Civility and the Common Good" with NETWORK's 2009 voting record for all members of Congress and article on civility in politics by former Republican Representative Jim Leach.



November-December 2009 - "Advent: Preparing for a Future of Justice"

September-October 2009 - "Peacemaking"

July-August 2009 - "Healthcare For All – Finally?!"

May- June 2009 - "Movement Toward Immigrant Justice"

March-April 2009 - "Ecological Justice"

January-February 2009 - "With Hope" with NETWORK's 2008 voting record for all members of Congress.



November-December 2008 - "Vision and Leadership"

September-October 2008 - "Convention Fuels Passion for the Common Good"

July-August 2008 - "Election 2008: New Voices Heard"

May-June 2008 - "Practicing Global Solidarity"

March-April 2008 - "Iraqi Refugees: An Unfolding Crisis"

January-February 2008 - "The People's Mandate -- A New Direction" with NETWORK's 2007 voting record for all members of Congress



November-December 2007 - "Poverty and Our Global Family: Advent Call to Solidarity"

September-October 2007 - "A Decent Place to Live"

July-August 2007 - "Clothing Our World in Justice"

May-June 2007 - "Farm and Food Policies for a Healthier World"

March-April 2007 - "Our Children, Our Future"

January-February 2007 - "NETWORK--Into the Future" with NETWORK's 2006 voting record for all members of Congress.