Our 2024 nonpartisan voter engagement and empowerment campaign gives justice-seekers the resources, training, and messaging to take action. All of us can protect the freedoms essential to a multiracial, multi-faith democracy this election year, and beyond.
Vote Our Future >
Voter Resources
Equally Sacred Issues
One-pagers & Toolkits
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College Civic Engagement (Y.A.L.L.)
NETWORK’s political ministry has always advocated for better federal policy that supports the flourishing of all of us. The six issues in focus are part of NETWORK’s broader platform, An Economy for All policy agenda, and reflect the challenges that people struggle with in their everyday lives, and the reality of Congress and the Administration.
Our Issues >
Health Care
An Economy For All Policy Agenda
Our consistent people-powered and person-focused advocacy for just federal policies has led to many notable policy victories, but we never lose sight of the relationships, community, and encounters at the center of what we do. All who share our passion for the common good are invited to become new activists and supporters. Gifts of all sizes are greatly welcomed to support our hope-filled movement for social justice.
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Ways to Give
Planned Giving
Since 1972, NETWORK has worked on policy issues that make life better for all of us. The only way to get to a democracy that is multiracial, multi-faith, and inclusive is with all of us. There are many ways to join our people-powered and person-focused advocacy. No advocacy action is too little—whether you can make the time to sign a petition or organize a rally in your community, your advocacy lifts us forward to measurable wins that build power for the transformation our communities need!
Advocacy >
Watch Past Webinars & Events
First 100 Days Action--District Office Visits
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NETWORK is an inclusive, national, Catholic advocacy organization open to all who share our values, working to achieve equity and justice for everyone. Founded by Catholic Sisters in 1972, we are committed to centering racial justice and equity at the heart of our political ministry and to holding ourselves accountable to communities of color inside and outside of our organization, in order to dismantle systemic racism in our society.
Connection Quarterly
Nuns on the Bus
New posts coming soon!
Spirit-filled Network
Spirited Sisters
Legislative Updates
Coming soon!