
NETWORK’s grassroots organizing is team based. Advocates Teams are composed of NETWORK members and supporters who live or work in a shared geographical region. Some teams are centered around a specific city or town; others include people across the entire state. Regardless of location, team members are united by their passion for justice, desire to learn, and commitment to advocacy! Advocates Teams welcome people with all different levels of experience and backgrounds. Some team members have been involved with NETWORK for decades, while others are new to advocacy. NETWORK—and our Advocates Teams—are open to all who share our passion for justice. We invite you to organize with Network!

Organizing States


NETWORK has Advocates Teams in 12 strategic states. These states were chosen after considering factors including: the geography of the NETWORK field (both current and growth potential), Congressional leadership, key committees and other Hill targets, as well as NETWORK’s legislative priorities, election work, and more.

See more about the state Advocates Teams here!

  • California
  • Illinois
  • Indiana
  • Kentucky
  • Michigan
  • Missouri

Catherine Gillette, Sen. Grassroots Mobilization Organizer for:
CA, TX, OH, MI, NY, VA :

  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia

Sr. Emily TeKolste, SP, Grassroots Mobilization Organizer for:

What about other states?

NETWORK’s organizing is not limited to the 12 strategic building states. We have 100,000+ members and supporters across the country–and a presence in nearly every congressional district.  Advocates who live outside the geographical bounds of a state advocates team act make a huge impact. Whether they act as individuals, pair up with friends and family, or organize larger groups to make phone calls, send emails, sign petitions, post on social media, attend town halls, participate in lobby visits, and more—they help make NETWORK a powerful presence on Capitol Hill.

For organizing in states without an Advocates Team, email
Meg Olson, Grassroots Mobilization Director

What about student organizing?

NETWORK’s Young Adult Leadership LAB, Y.A.L.L., is equipping students on college campuses with Catholic Social Justice advocacy skills for this election year and beyond. Click here to learn more about Y.A.L.L.. Contact Chelsea to learn more about student faith-based advocacy and lobbying.

Chelsea Puckett, Outreach and Education Specialist
Youth and Young Adults, Trainings
Email Chelsea

We Organize to Build Anew

NETWORK advocates organize to Build Anew to free our country from federal laws and policies that are racist, deprive people dignity because of gender or sexual orientation, righ the economy for the wealthy and more. Federal policy advocacy issues center on reparations, immigration, the child tax credit, and more. In April, advocates from around the country gathered to celebrate NETWORK’s 50 year anniversary with special training workshops, a gala, and plenary sessions like the one featured here, which featured Joan Neal, Deputy Executive Director & Chief Equity Officer, Mary Novak, Executive Director, the Government Relations Team, and Meg Olson, Director, Grassroots Mobilization.


Team activities and commitment

Advocates Team activities vary based on the availability, interests, and creativity of the team members, but all team members are encouraged to engage in:

  • Monthly Advocates Team meetings either in-person or online
  • Regular communication with Members of Congress via email, phone calls, town halls, etc.
  • Two in-district meetings a year with your Members of Congress or their staff
  • Communicating through the local media via letters to the editor, interviews, etc.
  • Involvement in coalition work and/or community outreach
  • Participation in NETWORK programs, trainings, events, and campaigns
  • Recruitment to grow your Advocates Team’s size and power

Leadership: Team Coordinator

A NETWORK Advocates Team Coordinator is passionate about NETWORK’s Build Anew policy agenda (see above video), committed to social justice work, and excited to build relationships with and engage their Members of Congress. Above all, an Advocates Team Coordinator is a “people person” who can organize justice-seekers in their region to engage in advocacy with NETWORK.

They should be committed to living out “Sister-Spirit” and doing anti-racism work. While they do not have to be Catholic, an Advocates Team Coordinator should be comfortable talking about NETWORK’s “Build Anew” issues from a place rooted in their faith tradition or belief system, as well as engaging in spiritual reflection and contemplation. They are strongly encouraged to be a dues-paying member of NETWORK.

Team Support

Advocates Teams receive robust support from NETWORK staff, including:

  • Regular policy briefs and legislative updates
  • Opportunities to strategically engage in advocacy at the federal policy level
  • Advocacy, organizing, and media trainings
  • Educational content
  • Catholic Social Justice resources
  • Materials for reflection and contemplation

With the support from NETWORK staff and one another, team members grow in their understanding of federal policies that support the common good.

Interested in joining a team or taking individual action? Let us know here!

Workshops &Trainings

NETWORK offers a number of different workshops and trainings online for members and the general public and we are always adding more! We can facilitate a workshop and/or lead a training session with your state Advocates Team, congregation, parish, school, organization, or community group. Some of our offerings are below. Ask us if you need a training you don’t see here!

Faithful Democracy Filibuster Teach-In

On  July 22, 2021, NETWORK joined with national faith partners and legal experts to present Faithful Democracy’s Filibuster Teach-In to educate people on the powerful tool of the Senate.

Tax Justice for All

The Tax Justice for All workshop offers you the opportunity to re-envision a tax code that makes the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share and see how we can invest that money to build anew.

Faith & Advocacy

About NETWORK: Learn about NETWORK’s mission, values, history, “Nuns on the Bus” campaign, our Build Anew public policy issues, and how you can join us in our advocacy work!

Catholic Social Justice: Learn about how the Gospel, Catholic Social Teaching, Catholic Social Tradition, and responding to the “signs of the times” call us to work for economic and racial justice.

Intro to Faith-Based Advocacy: Using NETWORK’s “Educate, Organize, Lobby” model, advocates and activists learn about a variety of activities and tactics to build or participate in a justice campaign.

Economic injustice

Racial Wealth and Income Gap: An interactive experience that offers participants an understanding of 12 federal policies from Slavery to present day that have created the wealth and income gap between Black and white Americans.

Human Bar Graph on Income Inequality: A fun, interactive workshop that teaches participants how the past 40 years of economic policy in the United States has created today’s vast income inequality.

Town Hall for Tax Justice: Created for the 2018 Nuns on the Bus Tax Justice Truth Tour, this interactive—and at times humorous—workshop shows how the 2017 Tax Law has drastically exacerbated our nation’s wealth and income inequality, and provides timely legislative actions you can take to Build Anew.


How to Lobby/Prep for Lobby Visit: Whether you want to learn more about influencing your Member of Congress or are getting ready to meet with your Member of Congress on the Hill or in-district, NETWORK can equip you for success!

Transformative Conversations to Bridge Divides: This workshop equips participants to engage friends and family members in healthy dialogue in these challenging political times.

Pope Francis Voter: