
Sister Bridget Bearss, RSCJ

Bridget Bearss, RSCJ is an educator, artist-writer, activist for the Beatitudes, and facilitator of processes to build and strengthen the experience of communities of dialogue, justice,
and hope.

She is a member of the Society of the Sacred Heart, United States-Canada Province, currently serving as Executive Director of a work of her congregation, Stuart Center for Mission. Stuart
Center hosts the work of the United States-Canada Province, Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation office, provides conference space for religious communities and faith based
non-profit groups to gather, retreat and create, and is the home for the work of the CEDC design center which creates web and graphic design for non-profit organizations which share the priorities of the Society of the Sacred Heart.

As a Religious of the Sacred Heart, the integration of contemplation and apostolic mission into a single movement is a source of both inspiration and life-integration for her. It is the journey of living from the heart of God into the heart of the world that most characterizes her journey. She is a graduate of two university communities in St. Louis, Maryville University (BA in education) and Washington University (MEd/Educational Policies and Leadership). Prior to moving to Washington, DC in 2018, she spent 35 years working in the Network of Sacred Heart Schools, 26 years at the Academy of the Sacred Heart, Bloomfield Hills, MI.

She loves the exploration of the pathway to justice, education and spirituality through the presence with and among the people of God. She brings her creative energy and the heart of an educator to whatever unfolds in each day.