
Ronnate Asirwatham

Ronnate Asirwatham is our lead lobbyist on immigration, where she develops and executes strategies to advance our agenda on Capitol Hill and with the Administration. Ronnate came to NETWORK with 10 years of Federal legislative and administrative lobbying in Washington D.C., and she has worked on many aspects of immigration policy and practice including asylum, refugees, unaccompanied children, and Dreamers. Ronnate’s undergraduate degree is from the University of Houston and she has two graduate degrees. One from the Fletcher School at Tufts University, and her Master’s in Law in International Human Rights Law from the University of Essex, in the U.K.

Where she finds inspiration for work:

  • Immigrants who have been negatively impacted by U.S. policies
  • NETWORK members and other U.S. citizens who take the time to advocate
  • Families of the enforced disappeared in the Sri Lanka

What she loves outside of NETWORK:

  • her family and friends are most important
  • travel – seeing new places meeting new Friends

Originally from: Sri Lanka

Why she likes D.C.: D.C. is a beautiful walkable city and is the heart of federal advocacy.

(202) 601-7868