Spirit Filled Voters


Our Faith & Election Day

The principles of Catholic Social Justice are central to NETWORK’s work, and have guided the choices of lay and religious people for over a hundred years. The principle calling us to participation, in particular, has special importance during an election year. Together, we will explore will how this call to participation in our society and our politics should direct our actions.

NETWORK believes that it is our responsibility to ensure all people in our nation have access to democracy, health care, citizenship, and housing. We are called to mend the gaps through voting, advocacy, and change. Starting with our individual communities, we see disparities that can be fixed, given the proper support and policy.

How to Use this Guide

This guide is designed to be used by individuals or groups. Following this introduction there will be six chapters, each one dedicated to how to engage with our democracy with readings, quotes, reflection questions, and a prayer. We recommend spending the season of Lent, or another 6-7 week period, working through all of the material. You may choose to divide the content into multiple days for reading and reflection, or set aside time once a week to go through a full chapter.

We encourage you to share your experience, learnings, and feedback with us over social media (@NETWORKLobby) or via email (info@networklobby.org). To join us in our advocacy while using this reflection guide or after, visit NETWORK’s website at www.networklobby.org.