Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist

Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist

Download and share the multi-issue voter Equally Sacred Checklist in English, large print English, and Spanish

Multi-issue Voters Vote Our Future, so Everyone Thrives. No Exceptions!

How can we know we are voting for candidates who promote the common good?  Pope Francis makes it clear: Catholics and all people of good will are called to be multi-issue voters, not single-issue voters, in the 2024 elections and in our continued participation in public life. This resource can support you in educating yourself as a faithful voter on the issues and concerns that are “equally sacred.” 

 “We cannot uphold an ideal of holiness that would ignore injustice in the world.” —Pope Francis, Gaudete et exsultate, par. 101 

Equally Sacred Checklist image
Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist in English
Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist in Lg. Print English
Equally Sacred Multi-issue Voter Checklist in Lg. Print English

Los votantes de múltiples temas votan por nuestro futuro, para que todos prosperen. ¡Sin excepciones!

¿Cómo podemos saber que estamos votando por candidatos que promueven el bien común? El Papa Francisco lo deja claro: los católicos y todas las personas de buena voluntad están llamados a ser votantes de múltiples temas, no votantes de un solo tema, en las elecciones de 2024 y en nuestra participación continua en la vida pública. Este recurso puede ayudarlo a educarse como un votante fiel sobre temas e inquietudes que son “igualmente sagrados”.

“No podemos defender un ideal de santidad que ignore la injusticia en el mundo”. —Papa Francisco, Gaudete et exsultate, párr. 101

Equally Sacred Checklist in Spanish - late May edit
Lista de verificación para votantes de múltiples temas igualmente sagrados en Español
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About elissa

As the Digital Coordinator, Elissa is involved in email communications, website management, advocacy platforms and digital communications strategy. She brings political campaign, digital marketing and community organizing experience to NETWORK’s Communications team. She has been a lay leader in Catholic churches in California, Northern Virginia and Washington, DC. Some ministry work she’s enjoyed includes: accompanying high school students on summer mission trips, co-chairing silent auction fundraisers and advocating for social justice with her current parish, St. Augustine Catholic Church in Washington, DC. Where do you find inspiration for your work? • My late grandmother who migrated from Florida in the 1950s for a better life in New England • Scripture • Nature What do you love outside of work? • Watch and play sports, especially tennis, soccer, and baseball • Spend time with my husband, three children and my dog • I watch Jeopardy every night with my husband “Why do you like D.C.?” • Great restaurants, rich Black history and beautiful churches. Originally from: Groton, CT

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  1. Pingback: Just Politics is returning for Season 4 - U.S. Catholic

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